Geraldson Realty | Blog | Homeowners Insurance Claims after a Tornado: Tips from a Catastrophic Claims Adjuster

Homeowners Insurance Claims after a Tornado: Tips from a Catastrophic Claims Adjuster

The safety and security of yourself, your family and your friends is the first priority. After that, if you or someone you know has completely lost or sustained damage to a home or personal property that’s insured, you/they will need to begin taking steps to file an insurance claim. The details and specifics of an insurance claim might be the last thing you/they would want to do right now. However, the sooner the claims process is started, the better.

Today, I contacted a local homeowners insurance claims adjuster who has had extensive experience adjusting catastrophic claims after natural disasters like tornadoes and hurricanes. I asked him to share some quick tips on how people should begin filing a claim following the tornado that hit Central Arkansas yesterday. Here’s what he shared with me:

“Daniel, there isn’t really a generic way to do it since each claim is somewhat different. It helps if a homeowner can have some idea of the damage to the home to give to the adjuster when he calls (ie: walls down, roof off, water damage,etc). This gives the adjuster an idea of how long he will need to plan to be on site. Personal Property: It is also good for homeowners to begin to make a list of their contents as soon as they can. (This will help them begin to move beyond dealing with the loss). Typically people need help with this process from friends. There are other things to do that will be more claim-specific, but they will need to follow the lead of the adjusters. Know that the adjuster is there to help them.

Also, if you have a smartphone with a camera, take plenty of pictures of your home/personal property. These pictures will be useful in helping you recall damage to your home when you’re talking with your adjuster, and will help you in making a list of those contents that you’ve lost.

If you’ve not already contacted your insurance company, and need your insurer’s contact info, the Arkansas Insurance Department has an alphabetical directory of all of the Arkansas-licensed insurance companies, with links to each company’s website. You should be able to find contact info on your specific insurance company’s website.

Though some who suffered loss yesterday have been through this process before, there are others who are going through this for the first time. These people are the ones who need to know this information. If you know someone who needs this info, please get it to them however you can, as soon as you can. Above all, please continue to pray for and assist those in need. The news media will find some other “hot” topic in a day or two. Let’s remember that prayer, support and assistance will still be needed though–long after the “buzz” has died down.

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